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Amazon Sponsored Products & Amazon Sponsored Brands: How Do They Differ?

Amazon Sponsored Products & Amazon Sponsored Brands: How Do They Differ?

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To get your products noticed on Amazon’s busy marketplace, you need to advertise. Amazon Sponsored Products and Amazon Sponsored Brands stand out as the most common ad types.

While both can increase your visibility, they each serve a unique purpose. If you plan to run Amazon ads, you need to understand how these two differ.

This knowledge will help you to use your budget and reach your business goals. Let’s examine each one.

Getting to Know Amazon Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands

Amazon Sponsored Products and Amazon Sponsored Brands play different parts, but both can boost growth.

Sponsored Products zero in on single listings, while Sponsored Brands showcase your whole brand. Choosing the right one—or knowing how to mix them—can impact your Amazon advertising plan.

What Are Amazon Sponsored Products?

Sponsored Products are ads that highlight specific items. When someone looks for a keyword that matches one of your target terms, your product shows up in the search results.

These ads fit into Amazon’s layout looking just like regular search results.

What Are Amazon Sponsored Brands?

Sponsored Brands put more emphasis on raising brand awareness. These ads let you display your brand’s logo, a custom headline, and several products at the same time.

They show up at the top of search results giving your brand top-notch visibility.

Why It Matters to Understand the Difference

Knowing the distinctions between these ad types helps you choose when to concentrate on driving quick sales versus when to give priority to long-term brand recognition.

Sponsored Products excel at fast conversions, while Sponsored Brands create wider awareness.

Here's a visual comparison side by side showing Sponsored Products that promote individual listings and Sponsored Brands that promote a group of products with a brand logo.

How Amazon Sponsored Products Work

How to Set Up Amazon Sponsored Products

Setting up Sponsored Products is simple. You select your keywords, set a bid, and Amazon’s algorithm handles the rest.

These ads use a pay-per-click model, which means you pay when someone clicks your ad giving you control of your budget.

Where Amazon Sponsored Products Appear on the Site

Sponsored Products show up in Amazon’s search results and on product detail pages. You’ll find them at the top, middle, or bottom of the page mixing with the regular listings.

This placement gives sellers a great shot at catching buyers’ eyes without messing up how people use the site.

Here's a screenshot of Amazon search results highlighting Sponsored Products in different spots (top, middle, and bottom) and within product detail pages.

Benefits of Using Amazon Sponsored Products

Sponsored Products are great for boosting quick sales. These ads reach shoppers who are looking for products, which means they’re closer to making a purchase.

  • Quick Visibility: Your product catches the eye of shoppers who are ready to buy.
  • Cost-Effective: As it’s PPC, you pay when someone clicks your ad.
  • Specific Keyword Targeting: Use exact keywords to connect with your target audience.

How Amazon Sponsored Brands Work

How to Set Up Amazon Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands need more setup time. You pick a custom headline, add your brand logo, and select products to showcase.

Like Sponsored Products, these also work on a pay-per-click model, but they give you more say in how your brand looks.

Where Amazon Sponsored Brands Show Up on the Site

Sponsored Brands ads pop up at the top of Amazon search results grabbing the best spot. This means shoppers often see them first when they search for a related keyword.

Here's an example of a Sponsored Brands ad in the top spot of Amazon search results showing the brand logo, headline, and several products.

Benefits of Using Amazon Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands help boost brand awareness and promote multiple products at once. If you aim to display a variety of products or boost your brand’s visibility, Sponsored Brands offer the ideal solution.

  • Brand Awareness: Make your brand more recognizable overall.
  • High Visibility: Ads show up in top spots on the site such as above search results.
  • Custom Branding: Include your own headline and logo to increase trust.

Main Differences Between Amazon Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands

Where You See Them on Amazon

Sponsored Products mix with regular listings in search results and on product pages. Sponsored Brands appear at the page top giving them more attention.

How They Help You Connect with Different Customers

Sponsored Products aim at buyers who are ready to buy a specific item. Sponsored Brands help you connect with a wider group of people who might not know your brand but want to find new products.

How Much They Cost

Both ad types work on a pay-per-click system. But Sponsored Brands cost more per click because they show up in better spots and can display more products at once.

Picking the Right Choice for Your Business

When to Use Amazon Sponsored Products

If you want to boost sales of one item or launch a new product, Sponsored Products are your best bet. They help send people straight to specific product pages.

When to Use Amazon Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands work better if you aim to boost overall brand recognition. They’re helpful for sellers who offer multiple products or those wanting to establish a lasting brand presence on Amazon.

Can You Use Both Together?

Yes, you can (and should) use both Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands at the same time. By using the two together, you can boost immediate sales while also increasing brand awareness.

Here's a flowchart showing when to use Sponsored Products versus Sponsored Brands based on business goals such as product launches, brand awareness, or driving traffic to multiple listings.

How to Succeed with Amazon Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Products: Best Practices

  • Keywords: Make them better: Pick keywords that relate to your product and lead to sales.
  • Keep an eye on how they’re doing: Check your ads often and change your bids based on how well they work.
  • Improve your listings: Make sure your product pages look good with great pictures clear descriptions, and lots of reviews.

Best Practices for Sponsored Brands

  • Highlight Bestsellers: Put products that are likely to sell well in the spotlight.
  • Use Strong Headlines: A catchy headline can boost click-through rates.
  • Test and Optimize: Keep trying different ad designs to see what gets the best results.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Broad Targeting: Don’t use keywords that are too general and don’t lead to sales.
  • Neglecting Ad Creatives: Low-quality images and weak headlines can damage your ad performance.
  • Ignoring Data: Not keeping an eye on performance numbers can result in wasted ad money.
Here's a straightforward visual checklist highlighting common mistakes such as poor keyword selection neglecting ad designs, and overlooking performance metrics.

How Eva Can Help Amazon Sellers

If you’re looking to maximize the performance of your Amazon Sponsored Products and Amazon Sponsored Brands campaigns, Eva can be the game-changer you need. 

As a leading eCommerce technology company, Eva Commerce is dedicated to helping brands achieve sustainable and profitable growth, not just on Amazon, but across multiple marketplaces including Walmart, eBay, and Shopify.

Eva’s unique AI platform is built to optimize your Amazon advertising strategies with precision.

Unlike traditional tools, Eva’s platform is context-aware, integrating key data points like inventory levels, conversion rates, and profitability metrics to help you make data-driven decisions for your advertising campaigns.

Whether you’re running Sponsored Products ads to drive immediate sales or Sponsored Brands ads to build long-term brand awareness, Eva’s AI takes into account real-time data across all your marketplaces to ensure you’re bidding on the right keywords at the right time, with the right budget allocation.

Eva’s AI-driven insights don’t stop at Amazon. As an Amazon Advanced Partner and Walmart Strategic Solution Partner, Eva collaborates with giants like TikTok, eBay, Google, Meta, and more.

This makes Eva the only platform capable of delivering a comprehensive, cross-marketplace advertising strategy—allowing you to grow beyond Amazon while still optimizing your efforts on the platform.

Unlock Your eCommerce Potential Today

Ready to take your online business to the next level? Try Eva’s powerful AI-driven platform free for 15 days—no credit card needed!

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Looking for tailored assistance? If you need specialized support, our agency services and complimentary logistics solutions are designed to propel your brand forward.

Maximize Your ROI with Eva’s AI-Driven Tools:

  • Context-Aware Optimization: Eva’s platform integrates data like inventory levels and profitability metrics, allowing you to run efficient Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands campaigns that prioritize profit.
  • Expert Analysis: Our team of experts analyzes your performance data to recommend the best actions for your ad campaigns, ensuring you never overspend and always focus on high-performing areas.
  • Multi-Channel Strategy: Whether you’re on Amazon, Walmart, or beyond, Eva’s platform ensures your ads perform optimally on every marketplace, giving you a competitive edge.

Ready to take your Amazon advertising to the next level? Let Eva’s AI-powered platform guide your Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands strategy for maximum efficiency, ROI, and sustainable growth.

Get Started with Eva.guru and see how you can elevate your business today!


Which Amazon Ad Type Suits Your Needs?

Your selection between Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands should depend on your business aims. If you’re looking for quick sales, Sponsored Products are your best bet.

If you’re more focused on building your brand for the long haul, Sponsored Brands will yield better outcomes.

Amazon Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands can boost your business growth. Using both ad types together often works best—Sponsored Products to drive quick sales and Sponsored Brands to create long-term brand awareness.


What are Amazon Sponsored Products?

Sponsored Products are pay-per-click ads that promote individual product listings in Amazon’s search results and product detail pages.

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