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How to Leverage Amazon Video Ads for Increased Brand Awareness

How to Leverage Amazon Video Ads for Increased Brand Awareness

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With online advertising continually evolving, Amazon Video Ads have emerged as a unique and compelling component in the marketing mix for brands.

Offering a dynamic and highly engaging format, these ads are perfect for building brand awareness and driving sales, providing a fresh and innovative way to capture attention and increase conversions.

At Eva Commerce, we specialize in helping brands optimize their advertising strategies using our advanced AI-powered platform.

This guide will explore how to effectively use Amazon Video Ads to grow your brand and detail how Eva Commerce can help you make the most of your advertising efforts.

What Are Amazon Video Ads?

Amazon Video Ads are short-form video advertisements across Amazon’s ecosystem, including product listings, Fire TV, IMDb, and other Amazon-owned platforms.

These ads are strategically placed to engage shoppers at different stages of their buying journey. Whether through Amazon Sponsored Brands Video Ads or DSP Video Ads, brands can create highly targeted campaigns to captivate and convert.

Here's an illustration of the Amazon ecosystem showing different ad placement opportunities for Amazon Video Ads, including product listings, Fire TV, and IMDb.

Why Are Video Ads Effective for Brand Awareness?

Video ads capture attention in a way that text or image-based ads cannot. They offer a rich, dynamic experience that helps customers connect emotionally with a brand.

Brands using Amazon Video Ads report increased click-through rates, higher conversion rates, and more memorable brand impressions than other ad formats.

Video content is an effective storytelling medium, allowing brands to communicate complex messages in a succinct and visually appealing format.

Here's a comparison chart showing the effectiveness of Amazon Video Ads versus static display ads, highlighting higher click-through rates, conversions, and brand recall for video ads.

How Do Amazon Video Ads Differ from Other Advertising Formats?

Amazon Video Ads offer a more immersive experience compared to static ads. While traditional display ads rely on text and images to communicate a message, video ads allow brands to demonstrate products in action, showcase user testimonials, and create emotional resonance.

Amazon Video Ads are also bolstered by Amazon’s rich targeting capabilities, allowing brands to serve ads to specific audiences based on their shopping behavior and preferences.

The Role of Amazon Video Ads in Boosting Brand Awareness

Why Should Brands Leverage Amazon Video Ads?

Amazon Video Ads allow brands to reach millions of customers across multiple platforms, including Amazon’s marketplace and third-party websites through Amazon DSP.

The reach, combined with Amazon’s robust targeting features, ensures your ads are seen by relevant audiences.

Brands looking to improve Amazon Brand Management and increase Amazon Sales Growth should integrate video ads into their advertising strategy.

Success Stories of Brands Using Amazon Video Ads

Brands that have utilized Amazon Video Ads with Eva Commerce have not just experienced gains in visibility, engagement, and sales, but significant ones.

For example, a skincare brand saw a 40% increase in product page visits after running a targeted video ad campaign using Eva’s AI-powered platform.

This success story is a testament to the power of Amazon Video Ads in driving traffic and conversions for the client.

Key Metrics to Measure the Impact of Amazon Video Ads

To measure the success of your Amazon Video Ads, focus on the following key performance indicators (KPIs):

  • Impressions: How many times has your video ad been seen?
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of viewers who clicked on the ad.
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of viewers who made a purchase after watching the ad.
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA): The amount spent on acquiring a customer through video ads.
Here's a visual dashboard showing key metrics such as Impressions, CTR, and Conversion Rate for an Amazon Video Ad campaign, highlighting how performance is tracked over time.

Types of Amazon Video Ads: A Detailed Breakdown

Amazon DSP Video Ads: Expanding Reach Across Platforms

Amazon DSP Video Ads allow advertisers to target audiences both on and off Amazon, reaching users across Amazon-owned and third-party websites.

Using Amazon DSP, brands can automate the buying process for video ads, ensuring they appear in front of the right audience at the right time.

What is Amazon DSP?

Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform) is an automated platform enabling advertisers to programmatically buy video ad inventory.

It leverages Amazon’s first-party data to target users based on their shopping behavior, browsing history, and interests, ensuring a highly relevant ad experience.

Benefits of Using Amazon DSP for Video Advertising

Amazon DSP provides several benefits:

  • Wider reach: Target audiences across Amazon and non-Amazon properties.
  • Advanced targeting: Use Amazon’s shopping data to serve ads to the most relevant customers.
  • Scalable: Automate and optimize campaigns to scale your efforts across multiple platforms.

Amazon Sponsored Brands Video Ads: Enhancing Product Visibility

Sponsored Brands Video Ads allow brands to feature their products directly in Amazon’s search results, giving them prime visibility when customers actively search for similar items.

These ads provide a unique opportunity to capture attention and drive clicks to your product listings.

Best Practices for Creating Sponsored Brands Video Ads

  • Keep it short: Stick to videos between 15-30 seconds.
  • Showcase the product early: Capture attention in the first 3-5 seconds.
  • Strong call-to-action (CTA): Guide the viewer to what to do next, whether that’s visiting your product page or making a purchase.

Templated Amazon Video Ads: Streamlining the Ad Creation Process

Templated Amazon Video Ads provides a cost-effective solution for brands with limited resources. These pre-built templates allow brands to quickly create professional-quality ads that adhere to Amazon’s standards without requiring extensive creative teams.


Setting Goals: What Amazon Sellers Aim to Achieve with Video Ads

Brand Awareness: The Primary Goal

For most brands, the primary objective of using Amazon Video Ads is to increase brand awareness. Video ads allow brands to connect with their audience on a deeper level, creating memorable experiences that drive brand recognition and trust.

Driving Traffic to Product Listings

Beyond brand awareness, video ads also effectively drive traffic directly to product listings. Using engaging video content, brands can entice viewers to click through and learn more about the product, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

How Eva Commerce Can Help 

Eva Commerce offers a full suite of tools and services to help brands optimize their Amazon advertising campaigns.

Our AI-powered platform integrates inventory levels, conversion rates, and profitability metrics across all marketplaces, not just Amazon.

This allows us to offer precise recommendations on adjusting your ad spend for maximum ROI.

With Eva’s Amazon PPC Management and Amazon Advertising tools, we analyze real-time data to optimize your video ad campaigns.

Our platform ensures that your ads are shown to the right audience at the right time and with the best possible messaging.

This results in higher click-through rates, increased conversions, and improved profitability for your brand.

Here's a visual representation of Eva Commerce's AI-powered platform dashboard, highlighting key features like real-time analytics, ad campaign optimization, and profitability tracking.

Benefits of Using Eva Commerce’s AI Platform for Amazon Video Ads

  • Context-aware advertising: Eva’s platform factors key metrics like inventory levels and conversion rates, ensuring your ads align with your business objectives.
  • Real-time optimization: Adjust your ad spend based on live data to maximize efficiency and ROI.
  • Cross-marketplace integration: Manage video ad campaigns across Amazon, Walmart, and eBay from a single platform.

Ready to boost your brand’s visibility and conversions with Amazon Video Ads? Contact Eva Commerce today to optimize your video ad campaigns and achieve sustainable growth!

Amazon Video Ads Specifications and Quality Guidelines

Amazon DSP Video & Audio Specifications

For Amazon DSP Video Ads, adhere to the following specifications:

  • Video format: MP4 or MOV.
  • Resolution: 1280×720 or higher.
  • File size: Maximum 500MB.
  • Audio format: AAC, 44.1 kHz or higher.

Sponsored Brands Video Ads: Essential Quality Standards

To ensure your Sponsored Brands Video Ads are up to standard:

  • Length: 15-45 seconds.
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 or 1:1.
  • Audio: Ensure clear, high-quality sound.
Here's a sample video ad storyboard for a product, showing different frames such as the product intro, product usage demonstration, and call-to-action, ensuring the design team knows how to craft the ad visually.


Amazon Video Ads have proven to be an indispensable tool for brands aiming to capture attention, drive engagement, and increase conversions in today’s competitive marketplace.

Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness, drive traffic to product listings, or boost sales, the power of video ads on Amazon’s vast platform cannot be understated.

By leveraging the full potential of video ads, brands can significantly elevate their presence and impact across Amazon’s ecosystem.

Key Benefits

Amazon Video Ads offer several key advantages that make them a valuable asset in any advertising strategy:

  • High Engagement: Video content is one of the most engaging formats, keeping viewers invested longer and providing a richer experience compared to static ads.
  • Precise Targeting: Amazon’s robust targeting options allow you to reach the right audience based on shopping behavior, browsing history, and interests, ensuring your ads hit the mark.
  • Multi-Platform Reach: From Amazon.com to IMDb and Fire TV, Amazon Video Ads give brands the chance to expand their reach across multiple platforms, engaging customers wherever they are.
  • Increased Conversions: Brands using video ads tend to see higher conversion rates due to the visual and emotional appeal that videos offer. Demonstrating products in action builds trust and encourages purchases.
  • AI Optimization: When integrated with Eva Commerce’s AI-powered platform, these ads become even more effective, as real-time data analysis helps to optimize targeting, placement, and overall performance for maximum ROI.

Tips for Effective Use

To make the most out of Amazon Video Ads, here are some final tips for success:

  • Keep Videos Concise: Aim for 15-30 seconds of high-impact content that grabs attention quickly. Highlight the product’s value within the first few seconds to maintain viewer interest.
  • Prioritize Quality: Use high-resolution visuals, clear audio, and professional editing to present your brand in the best light. Poorly produced videos can negatively impact perception.
  • Include Strong CTAs: Encourage viewers to take action by including clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs). Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Add to Cart,” ensure your audience knows the next step.
  • Leverage Eva’s AI-Powered Platform: Use Eva Commerce’s unique AI-powered platform to optimize your ad spend, target your ideal customers, and make data-driven adjustments for continuous campaign improvement.

Start Using Amazon Video Ads

The time to start leveraging Amazon Video Ads for your brand growth is now. With Eva Commerce’s AI-powered platform by your side, you can transform your video ad campaigns into powerful revenue drivers that engage customers, increase visibility, and deliver measurable results.

Don’t wait for your competitors to get ahead—take the lead and let video ads elevate your brand to the next level.

Ready to see the impact Amazon Video Ads can have on your brand? Contact us at Eva Commerce today and start optimizing your campaigns for success!


What is the cost of running Amazon Video Ads?

Costs vary based on your bidding strategy, but generally, video ads cost between $0.10 and $0.30 per view.

How long should an Amazon Video Ad be?

Ads should be between 15-45 seconds to maximize engagement.

Can I use the same video ad across multiple platforms?

Yes, Amazon Video Ads can be used across different Amazon properties, including Fire TV and IMDb.

What are the common reasons for Amazon Video Ad rejection?

Rejection typically occurs due to low video quality, policy violations, or incorrect formatting.

How do I track the performance of my Amazon Video Ads?

You can track metrics like impressions, CTR, and conversions using the Amazon Advertising dashboard or Eva Commerce’s AI-powered platform.

Can Eva Commerce help optimize my Amazon Video Ads?

Yes, Eva provides full optimization services to ensure your video ads perform at their best.

What specifications should I follow for Amazon DSP Ads?

Video ads should be in MP4 or MOV format with a resolution of at least 1280×720 and a file size below 500MB.

How do Amazon Video Ads drive traffic to product listings?

Video ads engage users and direct them to your product listings with clear CTAs, boosting traffic and conversions.

What makes Sponsored Brands Video Ads effective?

These ads appear in Amazon search results, targeting customers actively looking for products like yours.

Can I use templated video ads for my Amazon campaigns?

Yes, templated video ads provide a cost-effective way to create high-quality video content that adheres to Amazon’s guidelines.

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