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10 Quick and Helpful Tips to Supercharge Your Advertising on Amazon

10 Quick and Helpful Tips to Supercharge Your Advertising on Amazon

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Do you feel like you’re not getting the most out of advertising on Amazon? Almost all Amazon sellers have such feelings at least once! This blog post will give you 10 quick and helpful tips to level up your advertising on Amazon with the least effort and the highest results. From setting up your targeting correctly to optimizing your ads for maximum conversion rate, these tips will help you get the most out of your advertising budget. So what are you waiting for? Read on to learn more!

1- Flywheel Effect for Advertising on Amazon

advertising on amazon

The Flywheel effect refers to the use of paid advertising for getting earned media with which you can drive overall growth. Paid media and earned media consist of orders, detailed page views, and reviews.

Here is how the Flywheel effect works: By advertising on Amazon, you can direct more traffic to your product pages. As a result, your products will rank higher in search results. Increased traffic plus a higher search rank will increase your chances of winning the “Amazon’s Choice” designation. With the “Amazon’s Choice” label all yours, there will be more traffic, which will boost search results. It becomes a continuous cycle. 

To take advantage of the Flywheel effect, you should measure the metrics of your Amazon business for quantifying performance. Don’t simply measure success based on advertising cost of sale. Keep tabs on other key advertising performance factors as well, like total advertising cost of sales, gross profit, and total revenue.   

2- Set Measurable Targets for your Amazon PPC Campaign

No matter which type of ad you use for advertising on Amazon, make sure you set measurable and achievable targets. Here are some examples. 

amazon ppc campaign Earn at least 30 product reviews during a six-month time frame.  

amazon ppc campaign Boost product sales by 20% in 3 months. 

amazon ppc campaign Clear the older product inventory before the new product launch date.  


3- Find Out the Advertising Cost of the Sale 

Understanding the budget you spend for advertising on Amazon before creating ad campaigns is vital since this will impact the campaign’s daily budget and the cost-per-click bid. Using accurate ACoS values, you can set pragmatic budgets. 

For determining the ACOS, take note of these factors.  

amazon advertising cost Cost of goods sold 

amazon advertising cost Selling price 

amazon advertising cost FBA cost 

amazon advertising cost Extra costs 

Once you get all these numbers, add up the miscellaneous costs, FBA cost, and the cost of goods sold. Then, deduct this from the selling price. The resultant number shows how much you may spend to earn a sale with profit. 

While clearing inventory, it is necessary to determine the break-even point. Simply divide the maximum spend by the selling price of the product. You will get the break-even point.  

When you begin advertising on Amazon, find the ACsS for each keyword in the AMS dashboard below ‘advertising.’ Using this feature, you can find out which keywords are worth targeting with ads and which ones are not.  

4- Research Keywords  

You can use automatic targeting when you start advertising on Amazon. This option is available for Headline Search ads and Sponsored Products Ads. With Product Display Ads, you can leverage product-based targeting.  

Use keyword match types to make Headline Search Ads and Sponsored Products Ads for keyword-targeted ads. Likewise, you can make Product Display Ads using interest-based targeting.  

However, you will still need to do your own keyword research. This approach will enable you to uncover new keywords to boost your Amazon PPC campaign and discover keyword trends.  

5- Keep monitoring your competitors

competition on amazon

Create a checklist including the factors below to have a comprehensive competitor analysis to stay one step ahead in Advertising on Amazon.

advertising on amazon Product Title

amazon ppc ad Product Features

amazon ppc campaign Product picture

amazon ppc campaign Product Description

amazon ppc campaign Product Q&A.

Once you have gathered the data listed above, you should assess the product listing information and compare it with yours. That will help you come up with a framework to grow your product inventory to outpace your competitors.

Evaluating your competitors’ product reviews can give you an idea of ​​the strengths and weaknesses of their products. You can take advantage of product reviews by taking advantage of your competitors’ weaknesses and improving the products you want to promote by advertising on Amazon.

6- Optimize the Products before you start advertising on Amazon

Before advertising on Amazon, ensure that all product listings are optimized. This will increase the number of shoppers clicking on your ads, and it will also improve the chances of a sale once buyers visit product pages.  

Make sure that you give due regard to the description, images, and title while reviewing product pages. You can rank higher on search results by optimizing product pages and thus enjoy more sales.  Here are the best practices to follow.  

  • Product titles should be descriptive and accurate. 
  • Place high-resolution images covering your product from all angles 
  • The product description should have five bullet points at a minimum 
  • Include updated and relevant information in the product description.  

While editing descriptions and titles for your products, you can include keywords you found through research. After you start advertising on Amazon, you should analyze data from ads to fine-tune listings further. 

So, you will have to keep looking at the results of your Amazon PPC ads, analyze the data, and refine your product detail pages accordingly. This requires time and effort, but it is definitely worth it.  

An advantage of this approach is that you will gain benefits even after the Amazon PPC campaign. Keyword optimization will help your pages to rank high on search results. Due to page optimization, you will convert more prospects into paying customers who buy from you.  Just make sure that you avoid keyword stuffing. This surely turns increasingly skeptical buyers away. 

7- Review Is an Essential Ranking Factor for Advertising on Amazon 

Reviews are a powerful way of winning trust, confidence, and customer goodwill, which surprisingly boosts your results of advertising on Amazon. Most shoppers make it a point to go through multiple reviews before finalizing their purchase decision. Reviews matter to prospective buyers since it gives them an accurate idea of product performance from the experience of fellow buyers who tried the product. Reviews are a key ranking factor for advertising on Amazon. So, you should take advantage of reviews to get the most out of your ad spend. 

Set up automated emails for customer purchases. When you confirm the order, you can remind your customer to write a review after receiving and using the product. Set up another automated email that should reach the customer the next day following item delivery.  Also, mention that customers are more than welcome to contact you in case of dissatisfaction with the product.  

Another good idea is to add a product insert. This could be, for instance, a brochure on how to use the product in different ways for full benefit. Here, you can smartly encourage reviews as well as social media shares.  

You should note that Amazon does not allow sellers to solicit reviews. However, Amazon offers the “Early Reviewer Program”. You can use this program if you have under five reviews for a product that costs over $15. After that, Amazon will ask for reviews on your behalf for an entire year or till you have five reviews. 

8- Check the Search Terms Report 

amazon negative keywords

After launching an Amazon PPC campaign, make sure that you focus on keywords that are performing well. You should also know about keywords that are not bringing good results. This is another critical factor to look into besides sales.  

You should check up on the search terms report. The search terms report is available in the AMS dashboard under advertising. The report shows keywords that are boosting clicks and sales. You can use these keywords in future Amazon PPC campaigns and optimize your product pages. 

There is a lot more valuable information that you can gain, even for keywords that are not performing well. For instance, suppose you find a keyword generating clicks but not sales. That is, the conversion rate is too low. You can immediately sense that the product page hasn’t been updated recently. So make sure that you go over your product page once more to find flaws and shortcomings that turn prospects away. Then, Fine-tune, hone and refine your product pages accordingly to boost the conversion rate of your advertising on Amazon.

9- Leverage Amazon Sponsored Brands 

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As the name implies, Sponsored Brand Ads are a good way of building up your brand. These ads are valuable since they appear at the top of search results. You can leverage these ads for creating brand awareness and promoting various items. 

Sponsored brands can help you with top-of-the-funnel advertising on Amazon. They can work exceptionally well for brand and category keyword searches.  

You can incorporate your logo as well as a customized headline to improve brand recognition. Sponsored Brands can drive traffic both to the product listing page and the storefront. 

10- Negative keywords are essential for advertising on Amazon

Negative keywords are as critical as normal keywords for advertising on Amazon. They’re user queries from which your product should be excluded. That can stop your ad spend from wasting on the wrong traffic.  

For example, suppose you sell low-cost budget headphones. You will certainly not want clicks from shoppers interested in Bose headsets. Hence, you can include “Bose” as a negative keyword.  

Besides irrelevant products, you should use negative keywords to avoid queries that receive lots of traffic but few sales. The problem with these queries is that they consume the ad budget without any sales in return. So you can block these useless queries via negative keywords. 

You can identify unprofitable keywords and queries by looking up the customer search term report. First, search for keywords that bring in no sales. Then, phase them out via negative keywords for better returns on your precious ad spend. 


So there you have it! Our top 10 tips to help supercharge your advertising on Amazon. Eva also helps you make the best decision for your Amazon PPC management by offering you a free PPC audit, covering all the details of your current campaigns plus suggestion to improve each aspect. So please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and get your free PPC audit today.

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