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5 Advanced Amazon Ads Bidding Strategies To Pay Less & Convert More!

5 Advanced Amazon Ads Bidding Strategies To Pay Less & Convert More!

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Are you losing money on ineffective Amazon Ads bidding strategies? Missing out on potential sales and wasting your hard-earned advertising budget can be frustrating and costly. 

But fear not! This action-packed blog post will reveal five advanced Amazon Ads bidding strategies to help you pay less and convert more. 

Keep reading if you’re ready to supercharge your Amazon Advertising campaigns and maximize your ROI. Let’s turn your fear of losing money into a fearless drive for success!

Understanding Different Types of Bidding on Amazon

Bidding StrategyDescription
Manual BiddingFull control over individual keyword bids. Strategic allocation of budget, prioritizing high-performing keywords, and adjusting bids based on competition and market dynamics. Regular monitoring and optimization for optimal performance.
Automated BiddingTime-saving with algorithmic bid optimization. Dynamic bidding adjusts bids in real-time based on placement, device, and time of day.

Bid+ increases bids for top-of-search results. Set bid limits, monitor performance, and adjust settings for campaign objectives.
Enhanced Cost-Per-ClickMaximizes conversions with automated bid adjustments based on conversion likelihood. Higher-converting keywords receive higher bids.

Monitor campaign performance and profitability due to potential cost increases. Align with advertising goals and assess effectiveness.
Placement Bid AdjustmentsFine-tune bids for specific ad placements. Optimize visibility and costs by adjusting bids for prime or less prominent placements.

Continuously monitor performance and strike a balance between visibility, costs, and conversions. Maximize the effectiveness of Amazon Ads through strategic placement adjustments.

Manual Bidding

Here's A Screenshot Of Bidding Setting On Amazon Ppc
Bidding setting on Amazon PPC

When it comes to Amazon Ads, manual bidding puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to have full control over individual keyword bids. With manual bidding, you have the flexibility to set bids at the keyword level, enabling you to allocate your advertising budget more strategically.

This level of customization is advantageous because it allows you to prioritize high-performing keywords, adjust bids based on competition, and respond to market dynamics swiftly. 

For example, if you notice certain keywords driving high conversion rates, you can increase their bids to maximize visibility and capitalize on their success. Conversely, if specific keywords are underperforming or becoming too expensive, you can lower their bids or even pause them temporarily. 

Regularly monitoring and optimizing bids based on conversion rates, click-through rates, and overall campaign goals is crucial to achieving optimal performance with manual bidding.

Automated Bidding

Here's A Screenshot Of Amazon Bid+ Feature
Amazon Bid+ feature

Amazon provides automated bidding options that can save you time and harness the power of algorithms to optimize your bids. Dynamic bidding, for instance, adjusts your bids in real time based on factors such as placement, device, and time of day. 

This allows you to automatically increase bids for placements that historically generate higher conversions and adjust bids downwards for less effective placements. 

Bid+, another bidding strategy on Amazon Ads, increases your bid by up to 50% when your ad is eligible to show up on top of search results. This feature can help improve visibility and increase the likelihood of capturing valuable clicks. 

Automated bidding offers the benefit of algorithmic optimization, allowing you to tap into Amazon’s sophisticated algorithms to identify the best bidding opportunities and maximize your campaign’s performance. 

To make the most of automated bidding, set bid limits to maintain control over your spending, closely monitor your campaign performance, and adjust bidding settings based on your campaigns’ specific needs and objectives.

Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (eCPC)

Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (eCPC) is a bidding strategy on Amazon Ads that prioritizes maximizing conversions. With eCPC, Amazon’s algorithm automatically adjusts your bids based on the likelihood of conversion, aiming to drive the highest number of conversions within your specified budget. 

Higher-converting keywords will receive higher bids to increase their visibility and chances of generating sales. For instance, if a particular keyword consistently leads to conversions, the eCPC algorithm will adjust the bid upwards to capture more clicks and potential sales. 

eCPC can be advantageous when your primary focus is maximizing conversions, especially if you have a specific budget you want to allocate efficiently. However, it’s important to carefully monitor your campaigns, as higher bids can also lead to increased PPC costs

Evaluate the performance and profitability of your campaigns regularly to ensure that eCPC aligns with your overall advertising goals.

Placement Bid Adjustments

Here's A Screenshot Amazon Homepage Ad Placement
Amazon homepage ad placement

Ad placement bid adjustments allow you to fine-tune your bids based on the specific locations where your ads appear on Amazon. You can optimize visibility and control your costs by strategically adjusting your bids for different placement locations, such as the top of search or product pages. 

Higher bids for prime ad placements can increase your ad’s visibility, potentially leading to higher conversions. Conversely, lower bids for less prominent placements can help you save costs while maintaining visibility. 

For example, if you sell a premium product and want maximum exposure on top-of-search results, you can increase your bids for that specific placement. On the other hand, if you have a limited budget, you can lower bids for less visible placements to focus your spending where it matters most. 

Continuously monitor the performance and impact of your placement bid adjustments to strike the right balance between visibility, costs, and conversions. This strategic approach can help you maximize the effectiveness of your Amazon Ads and drive better results.

Strategy 1: Dynamic Bidding Adjustments

Here's A Screenshot Dynamic Bidding Feature On Amazon Ads
Dynamic Bidding feature on Amazon ads

Dynamic bidding is a powerful strategy for Amazon Ads. It allows advertisers to adjust their bids in real time based on various factors such as placement, device, and time of day. 

This adaptive bidding strategy enables sellers to optimize their campaigns by automatically increasing or decreasing bids to improve visibility and maximize results. 

Here’s how dynamic bidding works and the benefits it brings to your Amazon Ads campaigns:

Real-time Bid Adjustments

With dynamic bidding, your bids are adjusted dynamically in response to changing conditions. For example, suppose Amazon’s algorithm identifies a high likelihood of conversion for a specific placement or device.

In that case, it will automatically increase your bid to increase the chances of capturing valuable clicks. On the other hand, if a certain placement or device is performing poorly, dynamic bidding will reduce your bid to help you save costs.

Placement-Based Bidding

Dynamic bidding takes into account the placement of your ads. This means that bids can be adjusted based on whether your ad appears on top-of-search results, product detail pages, or other relevant placements. 

By tailoring your bids to specific placements, you can prioritize visibility where it matters most and increase the likelihood of attracting potential customers.

Device-Based Bidding

Different devices may have varying conversion rates and behaviors. Dynamic bidding allows you to optimize bids based on the devices shoppers use, such as desktops, mobile devices, or tablets. 

By adjusting bids for each device, you can align your advertising strategy with user behavior and improve the overall performance of your campaigns.

Time-of-day Bidding

Amazon Ads’ dynamic bidding is a robust strategy that also considers the time of day when people are more likely to engage and convert. 

By analyzing historical data and user behavior patterns, dynamic bidding adjusts bids to capitalize on peak periods and reduce bids during low-activity periods. 

Benefits of Dynamic Bidding on Amazon

  • Increased Visibility: Dynamic bidding optimizes your bids based on real-time data, allowing your ads to appear in the most relevant and valuable placements. This increased visibility enhances your chances of attracting potential customers and driving conversions.
  • Efficient Budget Allocation: By dynamically adjusting your bids, you can allocate your budget more efficiently. Higher bids for placements and devices with higher conversion rates can lead to better returns on your advertising investment. 

Conversely, lower bids for underperforming areas help you save costs and avoid wasted ad spend.

  • Time Savings: With dynamic bidding handling bid adjustments automatically, you save time and effort that would otherwise be spent manually monitoring and adjusting bids. 

This way, you focus on other essential aspects of your Amazon business, such as product development and customer engagement.

To make the most of dynamic bidding, closely monitor your campaign performance and leverage Amazon’s reporting tools to gain insights into bid adjustments and their impact. 

Then, regularly evaluate the performance of your campaigns, adjust bids as needed, and test different strategies to optimize your results continually.

Strategy 2: Advanced Keyword Targeting

Here's A Screenshot Keyword Research Feature Of Amazon
Amazon’s Keyword Research Tool

It allows advertisers to refine their campaigns by honing in on specific keywords, maximizing relevancy, and boosting the overall effectiveness of their Amazon Ads. 

Let’s explore how advanced keyword targeting works and how you can leverage them to fine-tune your bidding strategy on Amazon Ads:

Granular Keyword Selection

Advanced keyword targeting empowers you to choose precise keywords that align with your products and target audience.

Rather than relying on broad or generic keywords, you can identify long-tail keywords, specific product attributes, or unique customer search terms that capture the essence of your offer.

By leveraging these granular keywords, you increase the chances of reaching highly interested and motivated customers.

Enhanced Ad Relevance

Advanced keyword targeting makes your ads highly relevant to potential customers’ search queries. 

By aligning your keywords with the intent behind specific searches, you can present your products to shoppers actively looking for what you offer.

This increased relevance improves click-through rates, as your ads resonate more strongly with customers and stand out from competitors.

Precise Bid Adjustments

Advanced keyword targeting enables you to make precise bid adjustments for each individual keyword in your campaign.

This means you can allocate more budget to high-performing keywords that drive conversions and reduce bids for underperforming or less relevant keywords. 

By strategically managing your bids based on keyword performance, you can maximize your return on ad spend and optimize your advertising budget.

Improved Campaign Performance

The key benefit of advanced keyword targeting is the overall improvement in campaign performance. 

By focusing on highly relevant keywords and refining your bidding strategy on Amazon Ads accordingly, you can attract more qualified traffic, increase click-through rates, and drive higher conversion rates.

This results in a better ROI, as you’re effectively reaching customers more likely to purchase.

Competitive Advantage

Utilizing advanced keyword targeting gives you a competitive edge in the Amazon marketplace. 

This way, you can tap into niche markets or target a specific segment of customers. This lets you differentiate your brand from competitors and capture the attention of shoppers who have specific needs or preferences.

It’s essential to continually monitor keyword performance and adjust bids accordingly to make the most of advanced keyword targeting. 

Regularly review search term reports, identify high-performing keywords, and optimize bids to maximize visibility and conversions.

Experiment with different keyword variations, negative keywords, and keyword match types to further refine your targeting strategy.

Strategy 3: Bid Modifiers for Enhanced Targeting

Here's A Targeting Options For Amazon Ppc Ads
Targeting options for Amazon PPC ads

With bid modifiers, you can adjust your bids based on specific factors such as demographics, locations, and time of day. This allows you to fine-tune your advertising strategy, reach the most relevant audience, and maximize the effectiveness of your Amazon Ads campaigns. 

Let’s delve into how bid modifiers work and how they can be used for advanced targeting on Amazon Ads:

1: Demographic Bid Modifiers

With demographic bid modifiers, you can adjust your bids based on various demographic attributes, such as age, gender, and household income.

Analyzing your campaign data and understanding your target audience’s demographics can help you make informed bid adjustments. 

For example, if your product appeals more to a particular age group, you can increase your bids for that demographic to increase visibility and conversions.

2: Location Bid Modifiers

Location bid modifiers allow you to optimize your bids based on specific geographic locations. You can target or exclude certain areas to focus your advertising efforts where it matters most. 

For example, if you find that a specific region generates higher conversions, you can increase your bids for that location to maximize your ad exposure and capture more relevant traffic.

3: Time-of-Day Bid Modifiers

Time-of-day bid modifiers enable you to adjust your bids based on different times of the day or days of the week. 

By analyzing historical data and identifying peak periods of customer activity and conversions, you can allocate higher bids during those times to increase your visibility and capture valuable clicks.

Conversely, you can reduce bids during low-activity periods to optimize your budget allocation.

4: Device Bid Modifiers

Device bid modifiers let you adjust your bids based on the devices shoppers use, such as desktops, mobile devices, or tablets. Different devices may exhibit varying conversion rates or user behaviors. 

By analyzing device-specific performance data, you can customize your bids to align with user preferences and maximize your return on ad spend.

Benefits of Bid Modifiers for Advanced Targeting on Amazon Ads

  • Enhanced Relevance: By adjusting your bids based on specific factors, bid modifiers help you align your ads with the most relevant audience segments. This increases the likelihood of attracting interested customers, improves click-through rates, and drives higher conversion rates.
  • Improved Cost Efficiency: Bid modifiers allow you to allocate your budget more efficiently by prioritizing bids for the most valuable targeting segments. By adjusting bids based on performance data, you can optimize your spending and minimize wasted ad spend on less effective segments.
  • Customized Campaign Optimization: Bid modifiers offer a high level of customization, enabling you to tailor your bids to specific targeting parameters. This flexibility allows you to experiment with different bid adjustments and refine your strategies for maximum campaign performance over time.

Experiment with different bid modifier values to find the optimal balance for your specific goals. Continuously refine your targeting by adjusting bid modifiers based on performance insights to maximize the impact of your Amazon Ads campaigns.

Strategy 4: Advanced Placement Targeting

Here's An Example Of Example Different Ad Placements For Ppc Ads On Amazon
Different ad placements for PPC ads

When running successful Amazon Ads campaigns, reaching the right audience is paramount. That’s where placement targeting comes in—a powerful strategy that allows you to select specific ad placements within Amazon’s ecosystem. 

By strategically choosing where your ads appear, you can tailor your messaging and reach audiences most likely to engage with your products. Let’s delve into the concept of placement targeting, how it works, and the benefits it brings to your Amazon Ads campaigns:

What is Placement Targeting?

Placement targeting enables you to handpick the exact ad placements where your ads will be displayed across Amazon’s network. These placements can include top-of-search results, product detail pages, and even specific categories or subcategories. 

By selecting specific placements, you have more control over where your ads appear and can align them with your target audience’s browsing and purchasing behaviors.

How Does Placement Targeting Work?

When setting up your Amazon Ads campaign, you can choose between automatic targeting, where Amazon determines the best placements for your ads, or manual targeting, where you have control over the specific placements. 

Manual targeting allows you to review available placement options and make informed decisions based on your campaign objectives and audience preferences. You can also adjust your bids for different placements, allowing you to prioritize certain ad slots over others.

Benefits of Using Placement Targeting:

Benefit 1: Laser-Focused Audience Reach

Placement targeting enables you to reach specific audiences most likely to be interested in your products. By selecting placements relevant to your niche or target market, you can increase the chance of your ads being seen by users actively searching or browsing in those specific areas. 

This focused approach enhances the relevance of your ads and improves the chances of attracting qualified clicks and conversions.

Benefit 2: Customized Messaging and Creatives

With placement targeting, you can customize your ad messaging and creatives to suit your chosen specific placements. 

For example, if your ad appears on a product detail page, you can tailor your messaging to align with the product being viewed. This level of personalization creates a seamless user experience and increases the chances of capturing the attention and interest of potential customers.

Benefits 3: Higher Visibility in High-Converting Placements

By strategically selecting placements with a history of driving high conversions, you can increase the visibility of your ads in those prime spots. 

Placements like top-of-search results or category-specific pages often receive higher traffic and attract users closer to making a purchase decision. By securing these placements through targeting, you maximize the exposure of your ads to highly motivated and engaged audiences.

Benefit 4: Better Budget Allocation

Placement targeting allows you to allocate your advertising budget more effectively. You can analyze the performance of different placements and adjust your bids accordingly. 

By allocating higher bids to placements that generate better returns on investment, you ensure that your budget is optimized for maximum impact and efficiency.

Benefit 5: Competitive Advantage

Placement targeting gives you a competitive edge by allowing you to strategically position your ads where your competitors may not be present. 

By identifying and capitalizing on unique ad placements, you can differentiate your brand, increase visibility, and capture the attention of potential customers who may be exploring alternative options.

Strategy 5: Automation & AI-Powered Bidding

Here's A Screenshot Of Eva Ads
Overview of Eva Ads platform

In the ever-evolving world of Amazon advertising, leveraging the power of automation and AI can take your bidding strategies on Amazon to the next level. 

By harnessing advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities, platforms like Eva can analyze vast amounts of data and make real-time bid adjustments to optimize your advertising campaigns.

Let’s explore the remarkable benefits that automation and AI-powered bidding bring to the table:

The Power of Automation and AI For Bidding on Amazon Ads

Automation and AI are revolutionizing the way you manage your bidding strategies on Amazon Ads. Instead of relying solely on manual adjustments and guesswork, automation leverages advanced algorithms and data-driven insights to make precise bidding decisions.

This dynamic approach ensures that your bids are continuously optimized based on real-time performance data, market trends, and user behavior.

How Can Eva Help You With Automated Bidding

Eva is at the forefront of this automation revolution, utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities to analyze data and adjust bids in real time.

 By continuously monitoring key metrics, such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and cost per click, Eva’s AI-powered system can identify patterns, trends, and opportunities that might go unnoticed through manual analysis alone. This intelligent technology adapts to changes in the competitive landscape and fine-tunes bids to maximize your advertising impact.

Benefits of AI-Powered Bidding:

Benefit 1: Precision and Efficiency

AI-powered bidding ensures that your bids are precise and efficient, helping you reach the right audience at the right time.

By analyzing vast amounts of data in real time, the AI system can identify the optimal bid amounts for each keyword or ad placement, maximizing your chances of capturing high-quality clicks and conversions.

Benefit 2: Dynamic Optimization

With AI-powered bidding, static bidding strategies no longer limit your campaigns. The system adapts and adjusts bids dynamically, responding to changes in competition, customer behavior, and marketplace dynamics. 

This flexibility allows your campaigns to stay agile and maintain optimal performance, even in the face of rapidly evolving market conditions.

Benefit 3: Time and Resource Savings

AI-powered systems like Eva save you valuable time and resources by automating the bidding process. Instead of manually monitoring and adjusting bids, you can rely on automation to handle the intricate details of bid optimization. 

This frees up your time to focus on other critical aspects of your business, such as strategy development, creative optimizations, and overall campaign management.

Benefit 4: Enhanced ROI

The primary goal of any advertising campaign is to achieve a strong return on investment (ROI). AI-powered bidding significantly enhances your chances of maximizing your advertising ROI. 

By leveraging sophisticated algorithms and real-time data analysis, AI systems can make bid adjustments that prioritize high-converting keywords, placements, and audience segments.

This targeted approach minimizes wasted ad spend and ensures your budget is allocated to the most significant impact areas.


Optimizing your bidding strategies on Amazon Ads is critical to achieving success in your advertising campaigns. By implementing advanced techniques such as manual and automated bidding, utilizing enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC), leveraging placement bid adjustments, and harnessing the power of automation and AI, you can unlock the true potential of your Amazon Ads. 

Eva, with its comprehensive Amazon Advertising service, offers the expertise and tools to help you navigate the intricacies of bidding optimization and drive maximum impact for your advertising spend. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to stay ahead of the competition and receive years’ worth of valuable Amazon selling tips directly in your inbox. Subscribe to Eva’s newsletter today and empower your Amazon selling journey with actionable insights and strategies that lead to exceptional results.


What are the 3 types of bidding strategies available on Amazon Ads?

On Amazon, there are three primary types of bidding strategies you can employ for your advertising campaigns. These include manual bidding, automated bidding, and enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC).

Manual bidding gives you complete control over individual keyword bids, allowing for flexibility and customization.

Automated bidding utilizes AI algorithms to automatically adjust bids based on real-time data, saving time and optimizing performance. eCPC focuses on maximizing conversions by automatically adjusting bids based on conversion likelihood.

What are the 4 smart bidding strategies?

When it comes to smart bidding strategies on Amazon, there are several approaches you can consider. Four commonly used smart bidding strategies are dynamic bidding, bid+ (formerly known as Bid Modifiers), placement targeting, and keyword targeting.

Dynamic bidding adjusts your bids based on the likelihood of conversion, helping you optimize your budget. Bid+ increases your bid for top-of-search placements, giving your ads more visibility.

Placement targeting allows you to choose specific ad placements within Amazon’s network to reach your target audience. Keyword targeting focuses on optimizing bids for specific keywords to increase relevance and conversions.

What is Amazon bidding?

Amazon bidding refers to setting bid amounts for your advertising campaigns on Amazon. It involves determining how much you are willing to pay for each click or conversion to display your ads to potential customers.

Bidding is essential to Amazon’s pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model, allowing sellers to compete for ad placements and visibility on the platform.

Effective Amazon bidding strategies involve careful analysis of data, keyword research, and optimization to maximize return on investment.

How much should you bid on Amazon PPC?

The optimal bid amount for Amazon PPC campaigns varies depending on various factors, including your budget, profit margins, competition, and campaign goals.

It is crucial to strike a balance between bidding competitively to gain visibility and conversions while also considering your profitability.

To determine the right bid amount, conduct thorough keyword research, analyze your competitors’ bids, and regularly monitor the performance of your campaigns.

Adjust your bids based on data insights to find the sweet spot where you achieve a favorable return on investment while maximizing the impact of your Amazon PPC advertising.

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